服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 男装 » mary邀请tony明天晚上去展览中心看时装秀用英语写作业书信形式80词


mary邀请tony明天晚上去展览中心看时装秀用英语写作业书信形式80词 我来答
Dear Tony,

How are you doing recently? There'll be a fashion show in the exhibition center this coming Saturday. Since it is summer break now and I guess you have nothing to do at home at the moment, I would like to invite you to join this event together. Besides the latest fashions, I heard that there will also be a cultural performance. It will be fantastic to have you with me! That's all, sincerely look forward to your reply.


Dear Tony,How are you doing recently? There'll be a fashion show in the exhibition center this coming Saturday. Since it is summer break now and I guess you have nothing to do at home at the moment, I would like to invite you to join this event together. Besides the lates...
牛津初一英语单词表 急 急 急~~~
Mary /5mQrI/ n.玛丽(女名)Bob /b b/ n.鲍勃(男名)Tony /5t«UnI/ n.托尼(男名)Kate /keIt/ n.凯特(女名)Sammi /5sQmI/ n.萨米(女名)Pat /pQt/ n.帕特(男名)Lucy /5lu:sI/ n.露西(女名)Alan /5Ql«n/ n.艾伦(男名)Carl /kA:l/ n.卡尔(男名)Jack /dZQk/ n.杰克(男名)...