- Appreciate if you can inform your students or friends or anyone you know interested in applying to study the MA in Fashion & Textile Design (14097) programme in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University this coming year (2009 -2010) of the followings:
(a) I have conducted a promotional round earlier in January 2009 in Beijing and Shanghai covering 5 institutes during the trip to promote about our MA Fashion programme.
(b) I have announced that after gaining experience from the past years, we have moved our schedules earlier this year, including the promotional tour and the interview dates for Mainland candidates.
(c) In order to allow applicants more time to apply for their traveling documents and student visas, we are now planning to have the interview for Mainland candidates at the end of March, in Shenzhen, at the Shangrila Hotel (the same venue for the past three years or so).
(d) Anyone interested has to apply on-line within the first week of March in order to give us time to select and arrange booking of venue for the interview. Attached is some useful information for on-line application.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me via Miss Sicily HO (tcsicily@inet.polyu.edu.hk). Your prompt attention and action is much appreciated.
Raymond Au (Dr)
Associate Head & Associate Professor
PhD Advisor
Institute of Textiles & Clothing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dear potential candidate
If you would like to apply for admission to the above programme for the 2010/2011 academic year (which will commence in early Sept 2010), you may wish to
visit our website www.polyu.edu.hk/study . Meanwhile, you may wish to note the following information concerning the programme for the 2009/2010 academic year. Pls note that the information below is subject to revision for the academic years after 2009/2010.
Academic requirement
a) a Bachelor's degree, or equivalent qualification in textiles or fashion design
b) applicants who hold a Bachelor's degree related to fashion and textiles plus appropriate industrial experience may also be considered
English Language requirements for PolyU's Taught Postgraduate programmes
The English language requirements for candidates who are not a native speaker of English, or whose Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English is as follows:
• A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 550 or above for the paper-based test; or a TOEFL score of 213 or above for the computer-based test; or a TOEFL score of 79 or above for the Internet-based test; OR
• An overall Band Score of at least 6 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); OR
• having obtained a pass in the Chinese mainland's College English Test (CET) Band 6, the minimum score of which is 425 (for the test taken after 2006)
Programme Information (for reference only)
Pls visit the following website for more details of the programme for the 2009/2010 academic year as a reference. Pls re-visit the website in late 2010 for updates.
Points to note for non-local candidates
1) For non-local students, they must hold a valid student visa in order to study in Hong Kong.
2) Non-local students are also normally not eligible for government grants and loans, they should ensure that they have sufficient funds for tuition fees and other expenses, including medical insurance.
- END -
1.09年申请专业名称为:MA in Fashion & Textile Design (14097)
6.相关信息链接: Pls re-visit the website in late 2010 for updates.
7.有任何问题请与Miss Sicily HO联系:tcsicily@inet.polyu.edu.hk
- 1、申请材料准备,包括CV(个人简历)、PS(个人陈述)、RL(推荐信)、雅思成绩扫描件、四六级成绩扫描件、大学成绩扫描件以及各种获奖证书扫描件。2、等香港理工大学网申开放以后,就可以投递申请了。在香港理工大学官网“入读理大”中“入学申请”中按要求上传申请材料,申请费用大概在300到500港币之间...
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