服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 女装 » 求关于服装批发销售的英语 最好有对话

求关于服装批发销售的英语 最好有对话

求关于服装批发销售的英语 最好有对话 我来答
求关于服装批发销售的英语 最好有对话
Can I help you ?If you need anything just let me know.
What kind of clothes do you prefer ?
How about this one ?
What's your size ?/what size do you prefer ?
Wait a moment,please.I'll get your size
Sorry,we don't have your size/Thanks for your waitting.It's your siztry it,fitroom is over there
I think it looks terrific on you.
What else do you want to buy ?
All together is XXX Yuan.
XXX is taken and this is your change and receip.
Thanks for your coming and I hope see again