- 再又刮风又凉爽的秋天穿什么衣服英文回答。
What do you wear in the cool and windy autumn?
Wear sweaters and trousers
- 在又刮风又凉爽的秋天穿什么衣服英文回答是丅一shirt and pants and jacket
- Firstly,long and short beige trench coat.Blowing is not easy to soil and absorb dust.Sencond,hoodie or one-piece health clothes.Wear warm and confortable clothes in cool weather.Lastly,cardigan sweater,sports cardigan jacket or learther jacket.They can be matched with soid color bottoming shirst.They are very stylish.
- overcoat大衣 trench coat风衣 fleece 卫衣 jeans牛仔裤
- In the cool and windy autumn, what should one wear? It's best to opt for sweaters and trousers.
- Wear sweaters and trousers
- 秋天气候很凉爽,有时会刮风,我可以穿上我的茄克和牛仔裤.I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends.我经常放风筝,和我的朋友徒步旅行.And there are many fruits in fall ,Just like :apples ,bananas ,oranges… And the Mid Autuain Festival is in fall ,too .秋天还有很多水...
- 秋天是四季中的第三季,秋天有三个月:六月、七月、八月。 The weather in fall is cool , Sometimes it's windy . I can wear my jackets and jeans . 秋天气候很凉爽,有时会刮风,我可以穿上掸紶侧咳乇纠岔穴唱膜我的茄克和牛仔裤。 I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends. 我经常...
- 秋季是一个渐进凉爽的季节,适合穿一些轻薄舒适的衣物。以下是我对秋季日常穿搭的建议:1. 牛仔外套:牛仔外套是秋季很实用的一种单品。它不仅百搭,而且能够在保暖的同时不会让身体感到过热。你可以选择深色、浅色或者中等颜色的牛仔外套来搭配不同风格的衣服。2. 长袖T恤:秋季可以选择适合自己的长袖T恤...