- 4534536
- Is longest in the clothing enterprise production cycle, the labor force uses many sews the workshop, the value production main dependence labor force individual absolute work ability, in addition industrialization assembly line division of labor coordination production method, also falls the ...
- 消费者的消费能力大大提升,消费者的消费理念日趋成熟,预计2020年,中国将成为世界上最大的服装生产国和最大的服装消费国,针对这个极具潜力的庞大市场,本论文对国内外服装品牌经营现状与营销传播方法进行比较分析研究,尝试从品牌识别传播以及体验营销的理论角度探讨国内服装品牌战略性的传播方法。通过吸取...
- 1. Smart clothing fabrics 2. Fabric design and innovation 3. Fibre science and material science 4. The application of technology in clothing fabric Please provide the title, author, and publication year if possible.
- China is world leading garment manufacturer.而宁波作为浙江省服装业的龙头,是国内最大服装产业基地之一。Ningbo, one of the biggest garment industry base, leads the garment industry in Zhe Jiang Province.宁波是“红帮裁缝”的发祥地,是古代海上“丝绸之路”主要起泊地,近代服装的发祥地之一。A...
- Clothing Fabrics a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including: *electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles *thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics *cross-linked polyol ...