服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 买衣服的英文对话


买衣服的英文对话 我来答
a: can i help you ?
b: i want to buy a skirt.
a:this one suits you.
b:oh,it is too dark,do you have a lighter one.
a:yes ,this one may be fine.
b:oh it is great,how much is it ?
a:500 yuan.
b:it is dear ,do you hanve any one cheaper?
a:it is the cheapest.
b:Just let it be , i will buy it
ain't no kind of place to bargain for clothing if you are out of China.
maybe Thailand, or iraq, or kenya.
as for a man, normally we walk into a boutique, make eye contact with one of the sales, then:
hi, do you have a dress shirt, french cut, size 36.5?
centainly i do, sir, do you like to try it on.
defintely.thank you
..... trying
the sleeves are a bit long, let me measure you then we can tailor it.
pay, then walk out of the store.
for a women,
normally, they won't say a thing, just browse one item, but try on a million others, then they head to another store to compare, then next one, then next one.
at last they realized that they actually like the one in the first store, so you walk your lazy arse back to the first one, then was told the right size is gone.
Can I help you?
I want to buy a gift for my girlfriend. I do not know what to buy?
Why not buy a bounch of flowers?
1. 我能帮到您吗? Can I help you?2. 噢,是的。我想要买一件衣服。 Oh, yeah. I want to buy a piece of clothing.3. 请问您想要买什么样式的呢? Do you want to buy what style?4. 毛衣一类的。 A kind of sweater.5. 这件怎么样? How about this one?6. 恩,有没有浅蓝色...
Good-looking就是“好看”,stylish则是“时髦”,可以用good-looking和stylish来称赞某件衣服。另外,也可以用becoming,指“合身又好看”。7.I don't think this one will fit me.(我觉得这件衣服不合身。)买衣服时看到一件自己中意的衣服,却偏偏没有合适的尺寸,可以说“It's not my size.”...
《百万英镑》 马克吐温 剧本 买衣服那段 英文版加中文翻译
关于买衣服的英语对话一 A:Hello, may I help you?B:Well, I'm looking for some winter clothes. And I notice you have pre-season sale on all your winter apparel.A:Yes, everything is 25% off.B:Do you have any skirt that will go with this sweater?A:Sure, we have ...
I need a suit, well-known brand. 译 :我 要 买 一 套 名 牌 西 装 .Can I try it on? 译 :我 可 以 试 一 下 吗 ?Please show me some others. 译 :请 给 我 看 看 别 的 .Have you any bigger size? 译 :你 有 大 一 点 尺 寸 /号 码 吗 ?How much is it?