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关于英语中买衣服问尺码的问题 我来答
英式英语:Have you got ······
美式英语:Do you have ······
第一句是对的,这里并不是可以用过去分词式,不过如果问句里的主动次是get那一般都是 Have you got/gotten this? Have you gotten a photo of him?
第二句如果是 Do 一般不跟 Get.. 不过 do you have this in medium 是完全正确的。
1. When asking a foreigner about the size of clothes while shopping, you can say, "What's the size of this shirt/sweater?"2. If they ask you about the size of your clothes, you can respond with "It's a S/M/L/XL," or more formally, "The size of my shirt/sweater ...
如果是问别人衣服尺码,可以说What's the size? What's the size of this one/shirt/sweater?(看你问的是什么就可以加什么,this one是特指你手上拿的或身上穿的这一件)What is your shirt's size?如果是别人问你,可以直接回答This is S/M/L/XL. 或者想说全一点The size of my...
问一个人XS或S码t恤衣服长度多少 用英语怎么说?
2)What's the size of an XS or an S T-shirt?3)What's the size of an XS T-shirt or an S T-shirt?4)Would you please tell me the size of a T-shirt in size XS or size S ?5)What's an XS or an S T-shirt‘s size?说明 Size,即可表示服装的“外型尺寸或尺码...
一、询问衣服 How are these? 这些怎么样?This one is great. May I try this on?这款很不错。我可以试试吗?What's your size/ What size do you want?你穿多大号的?Size (S, M, L, XL, XXL...)/数字 OK?/ Is it fit? 可以吗/合适吗?The fit isn't good. 尺寸不合适 It...
What size do you take?What's your size?What size are you?"你要多大码的?"是一个特殊疑问句,这句话通常发生在商场中服务生用来询问顾客对服饰和鞋子的尺码,在用在具体语境中我们可以在“what size”后可以加上具体的单词比如“shoes”"dress"等。前面三种通常是我们在英语学习时常用的,更加...