- The clothing is manifests the human body three-dimensional structure through the plane material,must enable the clothing to mold the human body well the characteristic,the utilization division is the effective method.The clothing minute overline is refers manifests in the clothing each splicing spot,constitutes the clothing whole the line.Divides overline has extremely close relationship with between the clothing modelling and the human body build,is the clothing modelling important method.The clothing grows out of nothing,gradually evolves from the extremely simple design to today differ in thousands of ways design modelling,divided played the indispensable role in among.The minute overline both has the modelling characteristic in the dress designing,and had the function characteristic,this article elaborated the minute from the minute overline function aspect overline in the cafe staff uniform design application.Will divide overline the division change will unify the cafe staff human body build characteristic,the upper limb activity characteristic,will carry on the structural change in the clothing various spots.Designs conforms to the cafe staff to work the characteristic,the bodily activity characteristic uniform.Thus satisfies the cafe staff to take the demand well under the active status.
- 3. 服装轮廓 silhouette:即服装的逆光剪影效果。它是服装款式造型的第一视觉要素,在服装款式设计时是首先要考虑的因素,其次才是分割线、领型、袖型、口袋型等内部的部件造型。轮廓是服装流行发展中的一个重要因素。4. 款式设计图 design drawing:指体现服装款式造型的平面图。这种形式的设计图是服装...
- 2、前衣长:front length 3、后中长:center of back 4、肩宽:shoulder width 5、臀围:hip width 6、袖口:sleave opening 7、胸围:chest circumference 8、腰围:waist width 9、摆大:bottome hem 10、袖长:sleave length
- 一、拷边。“拷边”又叫“锁边”,在生产服装过程中,由于涤纶等所用的材料一般是合成纤维,质地相对比较硬的剪裁后,衣料边缝处的丝线因为本身的硬度比较高会散开,所以需要拷边:在边缝处用专用的拷边机拷上一圈边以免布料里的丝线散开。这样也起到美观的作用。二、包边,是指书壳表面材料的四边沿书...
- Windowpane是一个英语单词,字面意思是窗玻璃。在日常生活中,我们经常听到“窗玻璃”的说法,但在时尚界,Windowpane指的是一种格纹图案,类似于窗户玻璃的分割线条纹的样式。这种格纹样式通常出现在西装、外套、裤装等服装上,也可以被用于家居装饰。Windowpane格纹被认为是一种经典的时尚元素,可以给服装...
- 1、省(sang)道就是收腰捏褶等做出立体感觉的一种方法,一般多用在上衣上。一般捏省就是让衣服更合身。图上样板就是收省后的。2、看情况。省特别大的要剪开一些,但是千万别都剪开。小的不用管就好,熨烫的时候熨向一边就好了。图上黑色的部分是要剪开的。3、制作的时候沿着缝缝走平针就行。