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请帮忙翻译服装方面的英语 我来答
2"h 2×2 rib bttmband with coverstitch straddled at seam
2"h 可能是2英寸高(5厘米)
straddle at seam;骑在接缝上,
coverstitch;可能是明 线缝
ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 trousseau 嫁妆 layette 婴儿的全套服装 uniform 制服 overalls 工装裤 rompers 连背心的...
1.Spare accessories to be set separately in a small polybag.备用辅料单独的装到一个小胶袋中.All together in one bigger polybag which should be packed in a corner of the carton.所有的备用辅料装到一个大胶袋中放到箱子一角.2.Top stitching:7mm general, 15mm along collar+lapel+front...
1.侧骨爆缝,前后错位,左右侧骨有长短 The 1 side of the bone joints before and after blasting, dislocation, left and right side bone length 2.袖口带帽,打摺 2 cuff band cap, pleating 3.前门襟切线滑落,长短,内部拷克线脱落,袖口切线滑落 The 3 front placket length, internal tan...
1.tape:织带 2.velcro under flap:袋盖下有搭扣或者嵌钮 3.side elastic as original 跟原样一样,侧缝有橡筋 4.width should be 2.5CM 阔度应该是2.5CM 5.as original+1 button extra on care label 跟原样一样,加一个备扣订在洗标上 7.inside lining-mesh as original:网布做内里布 8...
服装专业术语 求英语翻译
2. Waist: 腰围 3. Hips: 臀围 4. Front Width: 前胸宽 5. Back Width: 后背宽 6. Shoulder Width: 肩宽 7. C.B.N-Waist: 颈肩点至腰围 8. N.S.P-Waist: 肩点至腰围 9. Neck: 颈围 10. Sleeve Underarm: 下臂围 11. Sleeve Muscle: 臂围 12. Long Skirt: 长裙 13. Inside ...