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澳大利亚传统服装英文介绍 我来答
Traditional Australian clothing is similar to that worn in other westernised nations. Because of Australia's warm climate, common Summer clothing is often comprised of shorts, sleeveless shirts and thongs (footwear which is the equivalent of American flipflops). Hats are commonly worn as awareness of skin cancer increases, and these come in a variety of styles.
"Traditional" Australian clothing could be said to be that of the swagmen and bushmen of the past. They wore long trousers, buttoned sleeves, strong leather boots and hats, often with corks hanging from the brim to keep away the flies.
1. The traditional Australian attire closely resembles the clothing styles worn in other Westernized countries.2. Due to Australia's warm climate, typical summer garments consist of shorts, sleeveless tops, and thongs, which are a type of footwear similar to American flipflops.3. Hats ...
common Summer clothing is often comprised of shorts, sleeveless shirts and thongs (footwear which is the equivalent of American flipflops). Hats are commonly worn as awareness of skin cancer increases,
澳大利亚的传统服饰之一是油布夹克(Driza - Bone),它通常是用防水油布制成,颜色多为棕色等较为质朴的颜色,这种夹克有着实用的功能,很适合澳大利亚的户外环境。澳大利亚的原住民服饰也极具特色。原住民的服饰常采用天然材料,如动物皮毛、植物纤维等。他们的服饰上往往有独特的图案,这些图案多源于原...
classic fashion是什么牌子
classic是以英文命名的某一种服装风格,最早使用这一单词的是香奈儿。香奈儿作为世界名牌生产一系列的classic单品,classic在很久以前又叫做香奈儿经典款。香奈儿最经典的单品就是它家chanel classic金属链条双层翻盖方形包,融合了创新与传统,兼顾实用和美观,也是从香奈儿开始,classic开始有了复古的定义。Classic...