- 就是赚差价的啊 利润不是很大 另销售价格可以自己改 利润也可以自己控制
- 当然可以了
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w can you respect a master like that?” asked Harry, still trying to figure a way out of the trap. But his whole body, except for his face, was entirely numb and then frozen solid. There was no way out. “I mean, he doesn’t even tell you what he’s planning on doing. How can you possibly be with him?”
Neville walked up to Harry’s face, looking more serious than he had ever seen him.
“Harry,” he hissed softly. “Voldemort has done more for me than your Dumbledore has ever or will ever do. Dumbledore could have performed the same spells Voldemort did on me to make me how I am now, but he didn’t. He let me fail, knowing that he could have helped.”
“The spells that Voldemort used on you were probably Dark Magic,” said Harry. “Even if it would save someone’s life, Dumbledore would never condone the use of it. So your little reason of being a bit more superior is not good enough, Neville. Just because Voldemort gave you a bigger brain, head of hair and arms doesn’t mean you should switch your allegiance as if it were a bathroom light.”
Neville walked so close to Harry that their noses were practically touching.
“Eventually,” he spoke softly, “Voldemort will win. He will rule the world that he has will ablaze as an eternal king, and no one will be able to stop him, especially you, Mr. Potter. All that matters now is whether or not, when that time comes, are you going to be on his good side?”
“Wouldn’t it be better to die than to live a good life in a Hell?” asked Harry. “Because that’s just what the world would be if Voldemort ruled it.”
“For some… I suppose,” said Neville, backing up. “I, however, am not among that group… fortunately.”
There was a moment of an awkward silence.
“So what’s this spell you have us under here Neville?” asked Harry, still looking desperately in vain for a way out. “I’ve never seen a more secure spell than this.”
“This is one of my master’s new inventions,” he said, kicking some dirt into the air. “Beautiful… isn’t it?”
“What exactly does it do?”
“Well,” said Neville, checking his watch again, “I suppose we have a little while. This is the Flipped and Frozen Trap Spell. You set it to grab a specific person when they come close to its proximity. Then, when the person walks close, it sucks them in, flips them upside down, and turns the muscles and bones in the body below their head into jelly, for lack of a better word. But, the best part about the spell is that the person who set the traps can control the people who stepped into them.”
Neville smiled and took out his wand. He pointed it at Harry and Harry followed the wand perfectly. Neville put his wand up, Harry went up and hit the trees. He threw it down, and Harry’s head banged on the ground. It was ten times as painful, not being able to cover where he was hit with his hands. Harry yelled out. Neville happily continued moving him through the air as if he were some sort of toy.
But, just like any ot
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