服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 童装 » 翻译几个句子:我妈妈从来不给自己买贵的衣服.My mother

翻译几个句子:我妈妈从来不给自己买贵的衣服.My mother

翻译几个句子:我妈妈从来不给自己买贵的衣服.My mother 我来答
翻译几个句子:我妈妈从来不给自己买贵的衣服.My mother
1 My mother has never bought herself any expensive clothes
2 I have agreed to the kids riding to West Hill by bike tomorrow.
3 I am glad to make a homepage for you.
4 Very often he gives his seat to those in need on the bus.
5 After class, I often play chess with my friends.
6 I hope to go on a trip to Shanghai as soon as possible.
My mother has never bought herself any expensive clothes .
或 My mother has never bought any expensive clothes for herself.
I‘ll allow the children to go to the West Hill by bike tomorrow.
或The children will be allowed to ride bike to the West Hill tomorrow by me.
I‘m very glad to teach you how to make a homepage.
He often gives seats to people in need on the bus.
After class I often practice playing chess with my friends.
I hope I can travel to Shanghai as soon as possible.
My mother never buys expensive clothes for herself .
I agreed let my children ride to West Hill tomorrow.我同意让孩子们明天骑车去西山
I‘m very glad to teach you how to make a home page.
He often gives his seat to people in need on the bus.
After class,I often practice playing chess with my friends.
I hope I can travel to Shanghai as soon as possible.
I agree to let the children go to the west Hill by bike tomorrow.
It is my pleasure to teach you to make the hompage.
He usually gives his seat to anyone who needs on bus.
After class I often play international chess with my friends
I hope I can travel to shanghai as soon as possible.
