服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 西装 » 我想给妈妈买件毛衣,怎样用英语和售货员对话


我想给妈妈买件毛衣,怎样用英语和售货员对话 我来答
I want to buy a sweater for my mother.
I want to buy a sweater for my mom
I want to buy a sweater for my mother
i'd like to buy a sweater for my mother.
I want to buy a sweater for my mother.
假设你去超市买some milk,some books,a football,some fruits and asweater。写一段和售货员之间的对话
I: thank you, good-bye Salesman: goodbye 中文对照:售货员:我可以帮助你吗?我:是的,我想帮妈妈买一些牛奶,一些水果。售货员:还有其他的吗?我:我还想买一些书,一个足球。而且母亲节快到了,我想送给妈妈一件毛衣。售货员:好的,请稍等,这是您要的东西 我:谢谢,再见 售货员:再...
1.I’m just browsing.(我只是随便看看。)当你走进商店,营业员通常都会走过来问你“May I help you?”(需要帮忙吗?)或是“Are you looking for something?”(你想买什么衣服?)如果你只是随便看看,不妨客气地说“I’m just browsing.”或“I’m just looking.”这样你就可以在商店里随便逛...
用英文编一段购买一件毛衣时 与售货员的对话
A:Madam,what can I do for you ?B: En,I'd like to buy a sweater for my daughter.A: so,what size do you want ?B: My daughter is not so fat ,just M please.A:ok,please wait a moment .A: what about this one?It's blue and comfortable.B: Oh,It's good.I'm s...
用英文编一段购买一件毛衣时 与售货员的对话 八句就好.
so fat ,just M please.A:ok,please wait a moment .A:what about this one?It's blue and comfortable.B:Oh,It's good.I'm sure my daughter will like it very much.And how much is it A:Just 65 dallors.B:ok .I 'll buy it.Thanks a lot.A:You are welcome.Good by.