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谁发明的牛仔裤?用英语写一篇文章 我来答
是来自美国西部最闻名的名字之一。它也是世界第一条牛仔裤的发明人Levi Strauss(利瓦伊.史特劳斯)的名字。

Levi Strauss于1847年十七岁时从德国移民至纽约。1853年加州淘金热的消息使年轻的史特劳斯相当入迷,于是搭船航行到旧金山。他带了数卷营帐及蓬车用的帆布准备卖给迅速增加的居民。但他发现帆布有更好的用途,因为有一名年老长的淘金人表示他应该卖的是能承受挖金工作的长裤。于是他把卖不完的帆布送到裁缝匠处订制了第一件LEVIS牛仔裤。就在那一天,LEVIS的传奇诞生了。



Levi Strauss公司的确已成美国传统,对全世界的人来说,它代表的是西部的拓荒力量和精神。

Mr. Blue jeans you could call him, but his real name is Lob Strauss. He was the founder of the great Levi jeans. Lob was born in 1829 in Butteheim, Germany. Lob's family was Jewish. Back in those days, if you were Jewish and you owned a house or a business in Germany, you had to pay special taxes. That was not happening in America.

After his father's death, Lob took up his father's trade selling dry goods and many different things to support the family. Also at this time, Lob's stepbrothers had sent him a letter telling him that in America Jews could vote . Now that was something. Lob convinced his mother to move the family to America. Lob and the family all moved over to America.

After Lob and his family had been sailing for forty eight days, the captain finally yelled, "Land ahoy." As soon as the family got off the boat, the captain gave Lob his American name, Levi. After that, Levi's family went in different directions. Levi went to live with his brother, and the family went to live with relatives.

One day Levi was out selling dry goods, and he looked all around and saw that there were more dry goods sellers than just him. So Levi figured out that he had a better opportunity to make more money somewhere where there was less dry good salespeople. His sister and her husband had just opened a store in San Francisco. So they wrote back to Levi asking him if he wanted to come and work in the store and also live with them. Levi went to San Francisco.

In the store Levi and his brother-in-law sold many different things such as cloth, shirts, pants, and other dry goods. His sister's husband died at an age of fifty one. Levi took over the business. As the business grew, Levi became richer and richer.

One day Levi got a letter from Jacob Davis. Jacob told Levi that he had made pants using the denim that Levi sold. Jacob used copper rivets, so the pockets wouldn't rip. People wanted Jacob's pants. Jacob and Levi became a team. The pants became famous. The store people that were making the pants added a patch. The patch was a picture of two horses trying to pull Levi's sturdy pants apart. It is still on the pants today.

After a while, Levi became a multimillionaire. In Levi's spare time, he gave money to the deaf and to the poor. On September 26, 1902 Levi died in his sleep at an age of seventy three. Levi had many different challenges in his life. He moved from town to town and city to city before he was famous. People still wear his pants today.
The发明牛仔裤的人是来自美国西部的著名品牌Levi Strauss & Co.的创始人Levi Strauss(利瓦伊·史特劳斯).Levi Strauss于1847年17岁时从德国移民至纽约.1853年,加州淘金热的消息吸引了年轻的史特劳斯,他决定乘船前往旧金山.他带了一些营帐和蓬车用的帆布,准备卖给迅速增加的居民,但他发现帆布有更好的用途...
LEVI'S这个名字源自美国西部,它见证了世界第一条牛仔裤的诞生。Levi Strauss,也就是利瓦伊.史特劳斯,在1847年时年仅17岁,从德国移民到了纽约。初到美国的他,几乎不懂英语,不得不为兄长打工,贩卖布料和家庭用品。他在纽约及肯德基周边的小镇和乡村四处奔波,有时甚至在路边露宿。1853年,史特劳斯...
LEVI'S,这个美国西部的标志性品牌,与世界第一条牛仔裤的发明者Levi Strauss(利瓦伊.史特劳斯)的名字紧密相连。1847年,当时17岁的Levi Strauss从德国移民至纽约。在最初几年,这位几乎不会说英语的年轻人为他的两位兄长工作,在纽约及其周边地区的小镇和乡村巡回销售布料和家庭用品。他有时甚至不得不...
牛仔裤的发明归功于李维·斯特劳斯 李维·斯特劳斯(Levi Strauss,1829年2月26日~1902年9月26日)被公认为牛仔裤的发明者,同时也是LEVI'S(李维斯)品牌的创始人。牛仔裤的持久魅力:1. 牛仔裤成为四季皆宜的时尚单品,被广泛认为是搭配服装的理想之选。随着时间推移,牛仔裤的面料和图案种类不断增...
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