服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 裙子 » 她穿着白衬衫,蓝裤子和黑鞋子英语怎么说


她穿着白衬衫,蓝裤子和黑鞋子英语怎么说 我来答
She wears white blouse , blue trousers and black shoes .
She wore a white shirt, blue trousers and black shoes
She wears white blouse , blue trousers and black shoes . 对
she wears blue trousers ,white shirt and black shoes.
She is wearing white blouses, blue trousers and black shoes.
she is wearing a white shirt、blue trousers and black shoes.
She wears white blouse ,blue trousers and black shoes .
英文:Wearing white shirt. Wearing blue jeans. Foot wear black sports shoes
He wears a white shirt and dark blue trousers.
Dear Millie,How is it going recently? First of all, thank you so much for your white shirt and blue trousers as a big surprise for me. I am so glad to receive them.The white and the blue colors are my favourite. Because the white stands for purity and it can reduce the...
英语翻译 谁的牛仔裤()他的黑裤子()
Whose jeans his black trousers a pair of glasses his white shirt your blue trousers many comic books wait for the green light several bottles of water 希望能够帮到你,谢谢