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卖衣服的常用英语 我来答
3.共6件衣服,一共5000元,您是刷卡 还是现金?
4.请您输一下 您的密码

1. Hello, welcome to our store.
2. Thank you so much, have a nice day.
3. You picked 6 clothes, all together are 5000 yuan. You will pay in cash or credit card?
4. Please enter your password.
5. Please sign here. Thank you.

有什么需要的吗? What can I do for you?/May I help you?
你需要什么尺码的呢? What's your figure? large/middle/small size(大中小号)
你需要什么颜色的呢? What colour do you want?
这件衣服很适合你. It's very nice on you./It's fit you
过来看看,刚到了几件新货。Coming please, just arrive some new
这件好像是为你订做的。This one is exact for you.
看起来,你得穿特大/大/中/小号。You looks need XL/L/M/S
价格太低了,加点好吗?It is too low, could you raise more?
What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么呢?
You can try them on.你可以试试
They are only 5dollars.它们只有5元
They are perfect for you.它们适合你
What can I do for you?/Can I help you?
XXL 特特大号 XL 特大号 L大号 M 中号 S 小号
too big太大, too small(thin)太小
The fitting room is in here.
cash or card?
Hope you come again.

1.the sports suits.clothes of skiing and beach suits are available.2.good quality as low price 3.high quality not imitation 4.the best of design 5.the newest and functionality of material.6.wearing comfortable 7.peddle as straight factory 8.sales is good 9.the brand is very f...
1.Welcome to ...欢迎光临...。2.May/Can I help you? 您想买点什么?3.Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什么东西?4.What can I do for you ?我能为您做点什么吗?5.Take yourself."或者"Take your time." 随便看。6.Please try it on. 请试穿一下?7.Do you k...
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What can I do for you? / May I help you?2. 你需要什么尺码的呢?What's your size? / What size do you need?3. 你需要什么颜色的呢?What color are you looking for?4. 这件衣服很适合你。This clothing suits you well.5. 过来看看,刚到了几件新货。Come and see, we've j...
1. Hello, welcome to our store.2. Thank you so much, have a nice day.3. You picked 6 clothes, all together are 5000 yuan. You will pay in cash or credit card?4. Please enter your password.5. Please sign here. Thank you.有什么需要的吗? What can I do for you?/...