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翻译英语 现在天气暖和了许多,我只穿着T恤和薄外套

翻译英语 现在天气暖和了许多,我只穿着T恤和薄外套 我来答
翻译英语 现在天气暖和了许多,我只穿着T恤和薄外套
It is getting warmer outside, so I m only wearing a t shirt and a jacket.
It is getting warmer outside, so i m not wearing a lot. 我觉得这么说更舒服一些
Now that the weather is warm a lot, I only wear a T-shirt and a thin coat.
Now that the weather is warm a lot, I only wear a T-shirt and a thin coat
Now that the weather is warm a lot, I only wear a T-shirt and a thin coat