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有关服装的英语小故事和有关服装的英语表达 我来答
这个有挺多的,专有名词最多,其次是你可以再稍微加点形容词就又不一样了。比如costume戏服,suit西装,dress连衣裙,jeans牛仔裤,trousers裤子(概括性的),uniform校服,等等这些太多了。 另外就是以添加形容词的方式使自己的词汇多样化。比如它是什么colour, 是a green dress , an orange dress, 还是a blue dress. 还有什么款式的呀, 是 popular , old-fashioned , 还是icon. 还有什么长短之类等等。 总之, 这有两种方式让你这些表达多种多样,你看你偏爱什么
追问 : 哦,问一下,联通金卡私人助理的电话是统一的,还是单独的?
追答 : 建议你打客服,她会给你一个合理的解释
追问 : 噢,谢谢
追答 : 这个就不清楚了,反正客服电话都是一样的你好,出现你这样的问题是因为你在停机之前就欠费了,所以已交费就要被扣;
如果你有疑惑,可以去你当地营业厅咨询,或拨打人工服务;联通扣费已实现透明化,如用户对话费有疑问,可登录网上营业厅http://www.10010.com/首页点击“话费查询” >“账单查询” >“历史账单”,即可清晰的了解自己的消费情况。如查询后仍有疑问,可查询详单进行了解具体使用情况,也可以联系当地人工客服或前往当地营业厅核实。
Once upon a time,there was an emperor who loved wearing different clothes every day.从前,有一个热爱每天都穿不同服装的皇帝。One day,two cheats came into the country and said that they can provide a beautiful new clothe for the emperor.一天,两个骗子来到了这座国家并声称他们可以...
英文;Many years ago, one emperor, in order to dress pretty, will not hesitate to spend all his money. He did not care about his troops do not like to go to the theater, he did not like coach逛公园- except to show off his new clothes. Hour each day to change a new set of cloth...
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Mr Smith goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room, but people in the room don’t look at him. They don’t ask him to sit at the table. 史密斯先生参加一个晚宴。他穿着旧衣服进入了宴会厅。但是屋里的人们都不看他,也不请他坐在桌子旁。 Mr...
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