服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 买鞋子两周后烂了,去商场退货。英语情景对话


买鞋子两周后烂了,去商场退货。英语情景对话 我来答
Customer:I want to return the shoes which I bought two weeks ago!
Counter Manager: Sorry for hear that, you can fill the form for claim it.
Customer: Would you mind to fill it for me.
Counter Manager: I am sorry, it is against our policy. Also I need to remind you that our return policy is limited the purchase of one week, your claim may not be applied and approved.
customer: Call your manager out.
Counter Manager: I am the manager.
Counter Manager: I am the manager.
1、A:May I help you?B:l want to buy a pair of shoes.A:What size do you want?B:My size is M.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.手工打字,连载中。。。2A:What’s the matter?How dirty your clothe is!B:Oh,mun,l was just playing football with my friends and knocked down....
7.I don't think this one will fit me.(我觉得这件衣服不合身。)买衣服时看到一件自己中意的衣服,却偏偏没有合适的尺寸,可以说“It's not my size.”或“It won't fit me.”(大小不合适)。有些商店挂着alteration的招牌,则是指可以提供修改衣服的服务。8.Your clothes don't match.(...
-Mom ,Dad, come here, this TV is wonderful!-Oh, really? All right, let's have a look.-Why do you like this TV set, dear?-Because I love to see Tom and Jerry! They are so lovely.-Oh, is it true?-Of course! Mom, see the little mouse, his name is Jerry.-Oh, ...
has already have many.售货员:那么这些美丽的夹子呢/ how about these beautiful clips then?顾客:哦,它们太美了 oh,they are so beautiful.顾客:给我一对吧。多少钱?please give me a pair.how much are they?仅仅5元 just 5 yuan.好的,我买了 ok,i'll take it.再见 bye ...