- Clothing:Generally,my first choice is comfortable,I like simple style。Such as a jean matches a shirt。I like simple color,such as white or black and some of clothing with light color which looks pretty clean and comfortable。Perhaps,my style will have a little change with the growth of my age。I will have increasingly dress in work and formal occasion。I think,I will have business wear more than before
- Clothing:Generally,my first choice is comfortable,I like simple style。Such as a jean matches a shirt。I like simple color,such as white or black and some of clothing with light color which looks pretty clean and comfortable。Perhaps,my style will have a little change with the...
- 时尚潮流牛仔短裤英文为DKNY。男性牛仔短裤英文为CalvinKleinJeansUnevenIndigo。女性牛仔短裤英文为ForAllMankindBermuda。毛刺牛仔短裤英文为CutCoffs。热牛仔短裤英文为hotdenimshorts。复古时尚深蓝色牛仔短裤英文为Vintagebluedenimshorts。复古时尚牛仔短裤英文为VintageDenimShorts。老古董深蓝色牛仔短裤英文为Vintage...
- 时尚 fashion 显瘦 look thin 奢华 extravagant 潮流 trend 独特 unique 高档 high-end 毛边 burr 褶皱 Wrinkle 做旧 Distress 精致 exquisite
- 1. 破洞牛仔短裤:破洞设计是牛仔裤中的一种独特风格,深受年轻人的喜爱。它不仅体现了随性自由的生活态度,还为整体造型增添了一份街头潮流感,让你瞬间变身时尚街拍模特,脱颖而出,非常有个性和时尚。2. 卷边牛仔短裤:这款牛仔短裤可以说是必备的经典款式了。它的设计简洁大方,能够很好地修饰大腿...
- 4. Skinny jeans 紧身牛仔裤,这种牛仔裤非常贴合腿部的线条。5. Distressed jeans 磨白牛仔裤,这种牛仔裤经过特殊处理,有磨损和褪色的效果,给人一种复古的感觉。6. Denim jacket 牛仔夹克,这种夹克采用牛仔布料制作,既休闲又时尚。7. Jeans skirt 牛仔裙,这种裙子采用牛仔布料制作,是女性喜爱的...