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现代服装设计网络化的新理念一翻译成英文 急啊·~

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现代服装设计网络化的新理念一翻译成英文 急啊·~
Modern fashion design a new concept of network-based
Virtual fashion design

Virtual fashion design are virtual reality simulation, computer simulation of electronic technology on the fabrics used are designer and computer electronic technology and the best combination of animation, virtual fashion design is widely used in three-dimensional fashion design and garment industry, three-dimensional cinema, television, computer ads in areas such as special production. Virtual fashion design at the United States has a lot of website, on the one hand the use of online network design, customers and co-designer of the design, use of the human body model of two-dimensional three-dimensional clothing designs apparel and clothing after the wearing of clothing stitched piece at three-dimensional human body model business. Through the fabric selection and settings of the physical and mechanical properties of the parameters, gravity, wind, and the human body exercise series, the designer can conduct a dialogue-style clothing and the human body to dynamics modeling and simulation exercise. By observing the three-dimensional simulation of sports apparel and simulation results, designers will be able to visually inspect it in the garment design and fabric and pattern selection. If not satisfied with the results of their design, can be immediately carried out two-dimensional or three-dimensional piece clothing changes shape and material to improve its effectiveness. To some extent, can also display a sense of dangling fabric and mechanical properties, while the customer to see its wearing effect, come to perfection in design and artistic creation with satisfaction immediately after purchase.

On the other hand, a virtual fashion design, currently used for online sales of clothing, online sales of apparel in the United States has been in the clothing sales account for a certain proportion of its causes through the web, using the above-mentioned three-dimensional technology, consumers simply upload your own body the necessary data, such as height, bust, waist circumference, hip circumference, age, type of clothing and so on the selected input information website, web classification methods according to the human body to carry out calculation of the physical characteristics of a customer after the customer tried on selected models . Customers will be able to see at their own terminals dynamic effect of wearing apparel, they can select the most suitable, the most satisfied with the clothing. This online virtual fashion design is the design and sale of virtual integration of today's most successful web sales.

Ultra-dimensional visual clothing design

The so-called super-dimension is the one-dimensional space of the line, two-dimensional space of the face, the size of three-dimensional space, four space-time, the idea of five-dimensional space. Modern ultra-dimensional visual design is to put people, human psychology, people's visual and aesthetic people and people of taste and many other factors to take into account the design of products go, are in the original five-dimensional than improve on the design of foundation, super-dimensional design attention environmental psychology and ornamental use of psychology, it has exceeded the scope of the relationship between the dimension of space. Constitute the past, we emphasize the role of space, but only two-dimensional space, many designers put the design of space regarded as a two-dimensional space constitutes a neglect of its environment and the overall United States and the United States.

Ultra-dimensional design to explore and enrich the design of visual design thinking, attention to images from the past only the shape, color, composition of the small space to stand up to ultra-dimensional visual design concepts to a higher creative spirit of the people of psychological, environmental science and technology in order to conduct a comprehensive attention to co-ordinate the design, development and improve the overall space. Application of ultra-dimensional visual design costume design at the network, the original costume design by two-dimensional plane only to the three-dimensional changes in the way to appear cutting the proportion of flat cutting. The completion of their body shape and are often directly linked to happen. At present, the network concept of costume design in ultra-dimensional visual design is to establish ultra-dimensional visual design concepts, is in the use of the original five-dimensional space based on the improve and surpass, clothing will be in different spaces have different spatial location, which includes costume design and art design that combines a tool such as: color, light, space, location, planar, three-dimensional, visual and spatial design capabilities. Network not only attach importance to fashion design clothing dress the effect of thought in harmony with the subject, but also attach importance to the local physical environment and interrelated psychological environment, such as space form factor. Space to create the visual environment are people, clothing and the environment were dissolved comprehensive care system.