服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 内衣 » 关于面试时面试官让你来一个现场卖内衣模拟,你该用英语怎么回答,怎么说


关于面试时面试官让你来一个现场卖内衣模拟,你该用英语怎么回答,怎么说 我来答
As we know,There are two important things for man and women,watch for man, and bag for women.

Do you know there are other two important things for man and women?
Shoes for man,yes ,and underwear for women.
Good shoes and underwear will bring confidence for them.
Today let us talk about the underwear for women
What do you think is important for choosing an underwear? Comfortable? Brand? Price ?
Yes, you got it, there is one suitable underwear for you which will make you feel confident and will dress comfortablely with suitable price, we can tell it from other brand....(for the functions introductions).

We will give you a discount for the women who buy it today with a secret gift.
The activities will just last half an hour, what do you wait? join us.
一、用简单的英语回复 一般来说,刚刚毕业的大学生,通常情况下都是通过四六级考试的,所以基本的口语还是可以的,面试官说出的英语不会太难,只要听清楚面试官的问题,稍微组织一下语言,用简单的几个英语句子表达自出自己的意思就可以了,至少让面试官知道,你对英语还是有一些了解的。二、可以向面试...
1、开头:开头其实不需要太华丽,Good morning sir/madam,it is a great hornor to have this oppunity for today's interview, 基本就可以了。?2、结尾:I really want to have this job and hope can work for you like years, if you had any comments on my interview today i will rea...
英语面试情景对话模拟 篇1 A:I have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you. 我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你. B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat. 我也是,请坐. B: Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat. 我也是,请坐. A:T...
要知道,考官总是喜欢有进取心的应聘者,此时如果说“不知道”,或许就会使你丧失一个好机会。最普通的回答应该是“我准备在技术领域有所作为”或“我希望能按照公司的管理思路发展”。7、你朋友对你的评价?回答提示: 想从侧面了解一下你的性格及与人相处的问题。回答样本:“我的朋友都说我是一个可以信赖的人。