- 献丑,如下仅作参考
As we know,There are two important things for man and women,watch for man, and bag for women.
Do you know there are other two important things for man and women?
Shoes for man,yes ,and underwear for women.
Good shoes and underwear will bring confidence for them.
Today let us talk about the underwear for women
What do you think is important for choosing an underwear? Comfortable? Brand? Price ?
Yes, you got it, there is one suitable underwear for you which will make you feel confident and will dress comfortablely with suitable price, we can tell it from other brand....(for the functions introductions).
We will give you a discount for the women who buy it today with a secret gift.
The activities will just last half an hour, what do you wait? join us.
- 5. Why are you here to apply for this job?
- 1、开头:开头其实不需要太华丽,Good morning sir/madam,it is a great hornor to have this oppunity for today's interview, 基本就可以了。?2、结尾:I really want to have this job and hope can work for you like years, if you had any comments on my interview today i will rea...
- 1. 我曾经应聘一个市场营销的岗位,面试官要求我介绍一款自己喜欢的产品并推销它。我当时想到了一款长得像飞碟的拍立得相机,口胡了一通,并且使用手势模拟了一下怎么用。最后,面试官问我能否给他看一下实物,我当即拿出了自己的拍立得相机,并把他们的照片贴在了我的简历上。最后,我成功地拿到了这份...
- 8、告诉我一笔别人都不相信你能完成但你却完成了的业务。有经验的销售人员至少会有五六个这样的事例。对于这个问题,你应该重点突出你的抗干扰和克服难题的经验和毅力以及思考方式等。9、如果我认为你在面试期间的回答表现存在严重问题,你会怎么做?这个问题主要是看你对与客户交流中存在的压力如何反应。...
- 1、保持冷静 如果面试官很有敌意,那么你应该先调整一下自己的情绪,然后用冷静的语气简单的回答他的提问。他最终不会再那么咄咄逼人,特别是如果你的回答滴水不漏的话。2、注意你说的话 不要因为面试官的语气,而说出一些可能会让自己后悔的话。职场人士的社交关系网广泛且不断扩张,你在面试中的...