服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 翻译句子 你穿着一件黄色的毛衣和一件旧的短裙。

翻译句子 你穿着一件黄色的毛衣和一件旧的短裙。

翻译句子 你穿着一件黄色的毛衣和一件旧的短裙。 我来答
翻译句子 你穿着一件黄色的毛衣和一件旧的短裙。
翻译句子 你穿着一件黄色的毛衣和一件旧的短裙

(1) You are dressed in a yellow sweater and an old skirt.

(2) You are wearing a yellow sweater and an old skirt.

(3) You are having on a yellow sweater and an old skirt.

(4) You are in a yellow sweater and an old skirt.

(5) You dressed yourself in a yellow sweater and an old skirt.

You are wearing a yellow sweater and an old skirt.
You're wearing a yellow sweater and an old short skirt.
You are wearing a yellow sweater and an old skirt