服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 急求一个在服装店买衣服的英语情景对话,要求要使用对话,要长的!


急求一个在服装店买衣服的英语情景对话,要求要使用对话,要长的! 我来答
woman:"Hi,come on ,please!" waitress:"what's the matter?"woman:"I like this clothes,how much is it?" waitress:"it's one thousand."woman :"Oh,it is expensive!" waitress:"But it is very beautiful,and it is comfortable,it is so cheap."woman:"Thanks.but I haven't got any money! I want to you are sell!"waitress:"That's ok." 望采纳~谢谢
One day, I want shopping with my mum,the assistant is very kind ,she asked :"Can I help you ?Madam",Mum said :"Is there T-shirt for my son here?"How old is your son?Ten years oldYes, This way Please.Which color do you want ,madam?Blue is Ok.Do you have blue?Wh...
B: could i see a new-style pants,please?A: yes,of course.what do you think of this style? It's just from Shanghai.B: this one? It's good,but i don't think it fits me.I prefer sonmething wider.May I see that one please?A: sure.here you are.B: oh,it's too ...
英语口语情景对话,关于服装店make a complaint的对话
A customer B shopkeeper B: May I help you?A: Yes, please, I would like to make a complaint.B: Oh, sorry to hear that, what's the matter?A: I bought a shirt here two days ago, today when I was washing it, the colour all washed out.B: Let me take a look! I a...
Amber: This is a neat shop. There are so many fashionable clothes here.这间店不错嘛。衣服都挺流行的。Ethabella: It's one of my favorite clothing stores. Check this out (holds up a skirt) 这是我最喜欢的服装店之一。看看这件(举起一条短裙)。Amber: That's nice. How about t...
解析: At a clothing shop SA: Good morning.What can I do for you? M: Yes.I'd like to buy a long coat but I don't know what size I'll take. SA: It doesn't matter.Let me take your measure and then choose the right one for you.How about this one?It's ...