- Some 51% of the country's luxury consumer is lunar income is in 5000 yuan to 50000 yuan of middle class, this group, the number of consumers and luxury ability buy presents the fast growth the situation, their luxury purchase behavior is mainly in order to obtain social concern and self psychology satisfied.
- About 51% of luxury goods consumer are the middle classes which month income between 5000 Yuan to 50000 Yuan in our country. The quantity and luxury goods purchase ability of this group of consumers reveal rapid growth. Their behaviors of luxury goods purchase mainly to obtain the social attention and the self-satisfaction.
- Our country about 51% luxury goods consumer are the month income in 5000 Yuan ~50000 Yuan middle classes, this community's consumer quantity and luxury goods purchase ability present the fast growth the situation, their luxury goods purchase behavior mainly is in order to obtain the social attention and the self-psychology satisfies.
- luxury
articles of luxury
- Expensive一词的中文翻译是“昂贵的”。在购物或者旅行中,我们经常会用到这个词来描述物品或服务的高价值。一些名牌商品和奢侈品通常被描述为expensive,因为它们的价格高昂,超出了普通人的财务能力范围。虽然expensive在一定程度上是主观的,但它通常被用来形容价格确实高于大多数人愿意付出的程度。Expensive...
- 翻译:奢侈品:使人愉快、舒服但非必需的东西
- prada,中文是普拉达(奢侈品品牌),读作普ruai答。gucci['gutt?i],中文是古琦(品牌名),读作古奇。GUCCI中文是什么意思 中文意思是古奇语常见释义 英[?g?t?i]美[?gut?i]n.古琦(品牌名);例句 GucciisthefirstluxurybrandtoembracetheiPad,withnotonebuttwoapplications.古琦是首家用两种而不是...
- 多指提供娱乐、装饰等价值较昂贵的消费品。如:「你少买些没用的奢侈品,就不会一到月底就到处借贷。」词语翻译英语luxurygood德语Luxusartikel(S)_,Luxusgüter(S)_,SuperioresGut(S,Wirtsch)_法语articledeluxe四、网络解释奢侈品(超出人们生存发展需要范围的消费品)奢侈品(Luxury)在国际上被定义为...
- 在经济学中,奢侈品是指价值/质量比最高的产品。从另一个角度看,奢侈品是指无形价值与有形价值比例最高的产品。奢侈品在国际上被定义为“一种超出人们生存和发展需要的具有独特性、稀缺性、稀有性等特征的消费品”,又称非生活必需品。在奢侈品经济学上,指的是价值/质量比最高的产品。从另一个...