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奢侈品类的翻译 我来答
Luxury goods tariffs adjusted, when at home and abroad when the price level of luxury flat,, consumption of luxury goods will be the growth momentum in domestic consumer demand directly,
For consumers, online shopping much more difficult than under the line of luxury warranty is much
Network channels do not buy luxury formal, there are fakes.
Luxury tariff cut, when the domestic and foreign luxury goods price level basically, usually, luxury consumption will become the domestic consumption demand growth,For consumers, online shopping luxury warranty difficulty is much bigger than lineOnline shopping luxury channel is not normal, there fake.
http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/191313840.html 求这篇英语文章的翻译.
Luxury 奢侈品 In many countries and cultures,在许多国家和文化中,owing something of luxury is considered a symbol of wealth and status.拥有某种奢侈品被认为是财富和地位的象征。Such luxuries may include a private boat,这些奢侈品可能包括私人船只,posh villas, diamond watch and the list ...
After the costoms duty of luxuries decline, when luxury price at home and abroad is basically on the same level, luxury consumption will be a direct drive for domestic consumption growth.For consumers, maintenance of luxuries bought online is much more difficult than that bought off...
Modern(现代),Creation(创造),München(慕尼黑)。MCM是一个知名的轻奢品牌,诞生于1976年的德国慕尼黑。起初,MCM以制作高品质的皮具产品闻名,而在1980年代的巅峰时期,品牌的产品线扩展至珠宝、手表、香水、服装、箱包以及小型皮具等多个领域,产品种类超过五百种。品牌历史:MCM(Mode Creation Munic...
应该是Balenciaga Paris,意为 巴黎世家,是一个奢侈品品牌。