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英语作文50字我的时装表演 我来答
In China, Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1 and is formally known as “the June 1 International Children’s Day”. Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children’s Day to allow students to have fun,
Fashion show is the stage art closest to life. In this way, it not only means that fashion plays an important guiding role in people's life, but also means that the actions in fashion show are taken from life, faithful to life and higher than life.时装表演是最接近于生活的舞...
Fashion shows are a form of stage art that is closely related to everyday life. They serve not only as a means for fashion to guide people's choices in dressing and accessories but also as a reflection of life, loyal to its essence, and an enhancement of it.In a fashion s...
but they are not the high fashion.
fashion show 60字左右的英语作文就一般现在时,急啊
一、Our school is having the fashion show tonight. We finished class earlier than usual today in order to do the show. I am one of the models that appear on the runway. My dress is an elegant gown styled from the 1980s but I am wearing my hair in a 1990s style. I hav...
关于时装秀的英语作文 80字 带翻译
I think the trainers, the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.The trainers are young people"s favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and comfortable if they"re made of leather.Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.However,light blue is the best colour of the jean....