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我是一个男装售货员,请英语好的朋友为我翻译一些句子和单词 我来答
Welcome! Here is Seven Wolves.

You can try them on if you like. Here are the new styles in autumn and winter.
How about this one?
夹克?Jacket?风衣? Dust coat?棉服? Cotton dress中衣(半大)Coat(Middle size)?休闲裤?walking trousers?西服套装?suit?西服上装?Jacket?西裤?trousers?休闲西装上衣?living style jacket?

It is made of pure wool. wool mixed with terylene. wool mixed with silk. pure cotton.

谢谢您光临,Thanks for your visit!
请慢走,Please take care!
欢迎再来 Welcome back!
Welcome to seven-woves(七匹狼)
Please have a look!You can try on and these are all the new stlys for fall and winter.
How about this one?
Jacket? Overcoat?Cotton clothes? Half-long overcoat? Suits? Coverall? Trousers? Leisure trousers?
This is 100% wool. wool and polyester fiber favric blending, and wooland mulberry silk fabric blending, and this one is purified cotton
Thank you! This way please, welcome again!
If you thought likes trying to look, we this all are the fall winternew style.

How do you look at this?

Jacket? Windproof coat? Cotton and kapok clothing? The Chinese-styleclothing (half is big)? Leisure trousers? Western-style clothescoverall? On the western-style clothes installs? West trousers?Leisure western-style clothing coat?

This is the pure wool, wool and polyester fiber fabric blending, wooland mulberry silk fabric blending, purified cotton.

Thank you the presence, welcome again
Welcome! Here is Seven Wolves.如果您觉得喜欢就试试看,我们这的都是秋冬新款.You can try them on if you like. Here are the new styles in autumn and winter.您看这件怎么样?How about this one?夹克?Jacket?风衣? Dust coat?棉服? Cotton dress中衣(半大)Coat(Middle size)?休闲...
Ms.Yang is considered a good shop assistant, because he greets every customer with delight
considered as a excellent commercial seller ,mis yang is always ready to greet every consumers ri你ma比,居然不采纳
helps us increase our levels of happiness. It's very tasty and easy to eat, I mean you don't need to wash it.(好吧。那香蕉呢?据说香蕉可以提高人的幸福程度哦!而且特别好吃,吃起来还简单方便,因为不用洗呀。)Me: OK. I'll buy 4 pounds.(好的,给我称4磅吧!)...