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英语作文女儿给爸爸买了一件衬衫和一条牛仔裤 我来答
For quite some time after I entered Leping Middle School, I had been longing for a beautiful new shirt, because all my shirts were worn out.
There was a nice green shirt in a shop-window on my way to school. Whenever I passed the shop, I would stop to have a look at it. As my family was not rich, the green shirt was too expensive for me to ask my parents to buy. But how I wished I could have it
There was a nice green shirt in a shop-window on my way to school. Whenever I passed the shop, I would stop to have a look at it. As my family was not rich, the green shirt was too expensive for me to ask my parents to buy. But how I wished I could have it ...
Father:Yes I am looking for a shirt for my daughter.Shop assistant:we have several different styles and colors for girls.Daughter:I like the shirt displyed in the shop window.Shop assistant:Yes, we do have that style in two different colors, yellow and blue.Father:Can I have ...
Honor their parents, should not only good for parents should bear the maintenance obligations, but also to best meet parents in spiritual life, emotional needs. Especially for aging parents, more meticulous care, patient comfort. Now thecities say the majority of the elderly, although ...
描写一件衣服的 英语作文
一件衣服的英语作文 The spring festival is coming.My parents buy me some new clothes.Let me show them to you.They are a T-shirt,a jacket,a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers.The T-shirt and the jeans are made of cotton.I think it is very comfortable to wear cotton c...
爸爸,女儿是你上辈子的情人,这辈子想与你生活一生一世,选择做你的女儿。——题记 Daddy, the daughter is the lover in your life, this life wants to live with you for life, choose to be your daughter. --.每个女孩,都会有一个强大的爸爸,因为每个爸爸在孩子心中都是强大的。都说,...