服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 关于英语购买服装的对话,把衣服,颜色,价钱等交际用语,大约10-12句话


关于英语购买服装的对话,把衣服,颜色,价钱等交际用语,大约10-12句话 我来答
A.Welcome! What can I help you ?
B.I want to buy a dress.

A.What colour do you like best ?
B.White and blue.
A.What about this one?It's the most fashion style this year.You must like it as well.You are so thin,small size is right.Have a try ,please.
B.No,thanks.It is too short for me . I would like to see the others. This blue dress looks very beautiful.
A.I am so sorry that we only have L-size of this dress.
B.What a pitty!I must go now.
•This is ….这是…•That is….那是….•How many / much do you want? 你想要多少?•What color 颜色/ size尺寸 / kind 类型 do you want? 你想要什么颜色/尺寸/类型?•Pardon? 能再重复一遍吗?•Hold on 等一等•Please sit down 请坐•Follow me 跟我来•It’s not for sale 这是非卖品•it’s a free gift 这是一个赠品 •hello,what you looking for?你好,你需要什么?•Welcome next time. 欢迎下次再来•Thank you 谢谢•Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?•What can I do for you?我可以为你做什么吗?•Excuse me?不好意思,打扰一下。•That’s OK/ all right 好的•You are welcome. 别客气,不用谢。
B.I want to buy a dress.A.What colour do you like best ?B.White and blue.A.What about this one?It's the most fashion style this year.You must like it as well.You are so thin,small size is right.Have a try ,please.B.No,thanks.It is too short for me . I would...
答案:1.most of,by 2.Do,ride,some,by 3.What,think of 4.In,parts 5.It takes,to 6.get to�7.think of 8.take a taxi 9.live from 10.ride,bike●Exercises for function items(交际用语专练)Ⅲ.Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.�(重新排列下列句...
1. A: How are you doing? B: I'm doing fine/OK/pretty well/great/super/terrific/so-so. 或: Not bad. /The same as ever. /I can't complain too much. (我不能太抱怨。/还不错。) B: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning. 2. A: How's it going? B: Fin...
You should(ought to) put on more clothes.你应该多穿点衣服 You need (to buy) a new coat.你需要(买)件新上衣 I suggest that he (should) start at once.我建议他立刻出发 (2)Shall we start at once?我们立刻出发好吗? Let's go to school together.咱们一起去上学吧 What(How) about a cup...
日常英语口语10 1. Come in,please.请进! 2. Sit down. 坐下! 3. Stand up,please.请站起来。 4. Open your book,please. 请把书打开 5. Close your book,please. 请把书合上。 6. Don’t open your book.别打开书。 7. Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 8. Yes,I understand.是的,我明白...