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如果我是你,我会穿衬衫,打领带英语翻译 我来答
翻译:If I were you, I would wear a shirt with a tie.
if I were you,I would wear a shirt with tie。
如果我是你,我就会穿衬衣打领带。a shirt and tie 打领带的衬衫(表整体)The clerk, a young man in a shirt and tie, counted the notes twice, squared the pile, and snapped a rubber band around it.Keep the look refined and polished by choosing a suit in a monochromatic pattern ...
九年英语上册第4.5单元grammer focus翻译 ???
回答:Unit 4: 如果你有100万美元,你会做什么? 我会捐给慈善机构。 如果我是你,我会穿衬衣,打领带。 如果我是你,我会带一个小礼物。 Unit5 :这是谁的笔记本? 它一定是明的。她的名字在上面。 这是谁的法语书? 它可能是卡萝的。她学法语。 这是谁的吉他? 它可能属于爱丽丝。她弹吉他...
求翻译!What would you do if you had a m
If were you,I'd wear a shirt and tie。如果我是你,我会穿一件衬衫带一条领带 If were you ,I'd take a small present 如果我是你,我会买一个小礼物
i will wear什么and什么
2、If I were you,I'll wear a shirt and tie.如果我是你,我就会穿衬衫打领带。3、I will wear my T-shirt tomorrow if it's warm and sunny.如果明天天气温暖、阳光明媚,那你会穿什么衣服?4、I will wear my raincoat and rain boots tomorrow if it's cool and raining.如果明天天气...
4他没能找到他的鞋。5晚会上的人他可能一个人也不认识。2b:1,如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带。2,你不必担心其他人穿什么。3,如果我是你,我会晚一点到。4,如果我是你,我会带上一件小礼物。5,如果你谁也不认识,你可以和Tom 讲话。6,但如果你还是紧张,你就不必去了。