服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 西装 » 来我们的大甩卖场买你的衣服吧的英文


来我们的大甩卖场买你的衣服吧的英文 我来答
全部释义和例句>>Come and buy your clothes by the big dump.
全部释义和例句>>Come and buy your clothes by the big dump.
全部释义和例句>>Come and buy your clothes by the big dump.来我们的大甩卖场买你的衣服吧 全部释义和例句>>Come and buy your clothes by the big dump.
我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧 翻译成英语
有两种说法:We're on sale. Come and buy clothes.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale 重点词语:一、大甩卖 Big sale; Everything Must Go; on sale。例句:1、他们可能会举行清仓大甩卖。They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory 2、顾客们知道我们的...
汉译英:我们大甩卖,快来卖衣服吧。_____and _____ your clothes at our great _____.
Come and buy your clothes at out great bargain.
请在我们大甩卖的时候来买衣服吧翻译是please come and buy
这个翻译只要突出甩卖就好了。 on sale 包含了特价出售的意思,就是减价啦
我们这大甩卖。快点来买衣服吧! 用英语怎么说?会给好评的!!!!!
Clothes on sale, come and buy your clothes 衣服大甩卖 快来买衣服吧