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今天穿的什么颜色的衣服。英语翻译。谢谢 我来答
What color are you wearing today?
what color are your clothes today
with them in the scenes which they describe.
aginable. We seldom think of it. The days
2. 强调动态感: He is wearing a blue coat. / He wears a blue coat.都可,看你想表达哪种感觉。
衣服 颜色的 一些句子翻译
What's the brand of the car he drove?
你今天穿上红色衣服真漂亮。you are so beatiful with your red coat today.这样翻译√吗?或怎样更好
You look gorgeous in red. 如果是赞赏衣服非常好看就说: The coat suits you! 老外会很高兴。当年我的 女友对我说“ You are cool in black.
穿衣 颜色的几个句子翻译
what is the color of your car
我个人认为,这句话不用牵扯到wear或者dress She is in a red sweater(T-shirt).这样就可以了 上面几位说的很正确,我就不重复了。Dress可以用进行时,也可以当名词用,Dressing code表示穿着的要求。