- White is the most like Korean clothing color, a symbol of purity, kindness, noble, holy, so the Korean has a "white people", claiming to be "white compatriots". With the development of the textile industry, women are wearing clothing color is blew, not to stick to one pattern, but the short skirt of this traditional style for a long time, because it is consistent with the Korean women's aesthetic psychology, fully reflects their gentle, kind and hardworking and honest virtue. Strike out the Korean national dress jacket structure, since the straight line shoulder to cuff with collar, hem, cuff belly curve, a curve and linear, no superfluous decoration, reflects the "white people" of the ancient costume features.
- noble, holy, so the Korean has a "white people", claiming to be "white compatriots". With the development of the textile industry, women are wearing clothing color is blew, not to stick to one pattern,
- which signifies purity, cleanliness, modesty, and elegance. This tradition has earned them the nickname "the White Race" among themselves, as well as among others. Women typically wear short jackets paired with long skirts,
- 朝鲜族人比较喜欢素白色服装,以示清洁、干净、朴素、大方,故朝鲜族自古有“白衣民族”之称,自称“白衣同胞”。妇女穿短衣长裙,这也是朝鲜族妇女服装的一大特色。短衣朝鲜语叫:“则高利”,是一种斜领、无扣用带子打结、只遮盖到胸部的衣服;长裙,朝鲜语也叫做“契玛”,腰间有细褶,宽松飘逸。...
- 在英语中,对于这样的少数民族群体,通常使用“Ethnic Group”来描述,这个词组能够准确地表达出一个国家内部具有共同语言、文化和历史传统的群体。而“Ethnic Korean”则是指代那些具有朝鲜族裔背景的人。因此,“Ethnic Korean in China”或“Korean Ethnic Group in ...
- 1. 朝鲜族的服饰以素雅白色为特点,被誉为“白衣民族”。2. 女性传统服装包括上襦和下裙,上襦称为“则高利”,是一种带有小灯笼袖的斜襟短衣,通过花结襻带系合。3. 下裙称为“契玛”,是一种高腰长裙。少女们穿着统一的裙式,而婚后则穿着缠裙式。4. 女性传统鞋履为尖翘头船形鞋。5. ...