服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 女装 » 我是一名服装销售员,希望有人能教我销售时需要用的英语.


我是一名服装销售员,希望有人能教我销售时需要用的英语. 我来答
这里是一些关于售货员和顾客常用的对话,售货和退货的内容,里面相关的物品名词,你只要进行替换,就可以解决你在销售时所需要的基本语言。 Can I help you? (我能帮你吗,)需要帮忙吗? Yes, I’m looking for something to wear to a formal party. 是的,我在找一件能够穿到正式晚会上的礼服。 What size do you wear, ma’am? (Sir.) 你穿什么样尺寸的衣服呢。女士,(先生 (对方回答) An eight or a ten. 八号,或者10号 Let me show you what we have. 让我给你看看我们都有什么样的衣服 This dress is very beautiful. 这条裙子很漂亮。 It’s the latest fashion from Paris. 这是来自于巴黎的最新的时装 What about this skirt here? 你看这儿,这件短裙如何? Good choice. 你很有眼光, You could try it on 你可以穿上它试试。 Let me try it on. 让我试试 Where’s the dressing room? 试衣间在那里? Right over here. 就在那里 you look wonderful. 你看起来很美 It looks good on you 这件衣服很适合你 Really? Isn’t the skirt a bit too long? 真的吗,对我来说难道这件裙子不是太长了吗? We could always make it shorter for free. 我们可以免费把它改短 That’s true. How much is it? 那倒是的,这件裙子多少钱? The skirt is $125. 这件裙子$125 Oh. That's a little too expensive. 哦,有点太贵了。 but don't you think you deserve for this skirt. 但是你不觉得你很值得买它吗, it makes you beautiful and dignity 她衬托得你美丽而高贵 Maybe you want try this one 也许你可以试试这件 it's on sale 大减价 it is the lowest price 这是最低价格了 And the blouse is on sale for only $69. 这件衬衣大减价,只有$69 Okay, I’ll take it! 好吧,我要它了 退货returns 顾客 I bought these pants here the other day, 前几天我在这里买了这条裤子 but they’re too big. I’d like to return them. 但是这条裤子太大了,我想退货。 售货员 Do you have your receipt with you? 你有发票吗? 顾客 Sure, here you go. 当然,在这里。 售货员 Sir, these pants were on sale. 先生,这条裤子是销价出售的。 We don’t take returns on sale items. 我们不接受销价出售的物品的退货。 顾客 How about a store credit? 你们商店的信誉和保证呢? 售货员 I’m afraid there are no returns at all on sale merchandise. 恐怕根本就没有接受销价商品退货这一款。 I’m sorry, there is nothing we can do. 很抱歉,我们帮不了你。
Can I help you? (我能帮你吗,)需要帮忙吗? Yes, I’m looking for something to wear to a formal party. 是的,我在找一件能够穿到正式晚会上的礼服。 What size do you wear, ma’am? (Sir.) 你穿什么样尺寸的衣服呢。女士,(先生 (对方回答) An eight or ...
21. It's mypleasure.不用谢。这是我的职责纯棉面料,穿起来舒服。22.It fits you very well.它非常适合您。23.You look beautiful in.您穿着真漂亮。24.Queen-size is not stored now!大号现在没货了。25It's available tomorrow afternoon.明天下午能到。26.This design is popular.这款很受...
Come and shop here! (108字)
这是新款。英文怎么说? 还有关于销售服装的一些实用英文。不要中式英语。谢谢.
一般说:This is the new one/style.顾客走进商店时,店员经常一边说May I help you?,一边走近顾客。同义句:Can I help you?What can I do for you?How may I help you? 顾客可能说:我想买件套装。I'd like a suit. 我在找一种……包。I'm looking for a ... bag.I'm looking ...