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谁能用英语描述一套服装的设计理念 我来答
family planning is the most effective way to solve the population problem the seriousness of which is often underestimated by us. quite obviously family planning has so far made little progress here on this island. at a time when half of the world is suffering from starvation poor health and a deplorably low standard of living we simply cannot take lightly the population problem if we don't control the birth rate right now well surely lead a miserable life in the near future. illiteracy is perhaps the main enemy of family planning.
现代服装设计新概念 Modern fashion design a new concept of network-based Virtual fashion design Virtual fashion design are virtual reality simulation, computer simulation of electronic technology on the fabrics used are designer and computer electronic technology and the best combination of anim...
设计一套衣服,用英语作介绍,不少于5句话 要有翻译
写作思路:用几个英语句子把自己设计的衣服,简单的介绍一下。i want to design a cute and cool one for the teenager. Firt is the upper outer garment, a pink waistcoat with lace in the nackilne , which would show the vitality of teenager.我想要设计的是集合酷气与可爱的少女装。首...
I want to design a yellow blouse,a purple jumper,a pair of black trousers and a pair of white trainers.I’m they will look colorful on anyone.The blouse is made of silk.Silk is very light.The jumper and the trousers are made of cotton.I think cotton clothes are very comfo...
do you like them?我的时尚设计 我想要设计一件套头衫、一条牛仔裤和一双软底运动鞋首先,我将设计一件套头衫,V字领 并且是红色的,它是棉的然后,我将设计一跳浅蓝色的牛仔裤,我不想他们太紧,而应是穿起来很舒适。 最后,我要设计一双软底运动鞋,皮革的,颜色是红白相间,他们是年轻人的最...
intends to molds the metropolis feminine one kind of graceful indifferent to fame or gain life manner. The lining mainly weaves by the material for woolen goods and the wool primarily, the union flower bud silk lace, and embellishes the fashion fine nail bead craft to make the de...