服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 初一英语作文 为你自己的服装店写一则广告

初一英语作文 为你自己的服装店写一则广告

初一英语作文 为你自己的服装店写一则广告 我来答
初一英语作文 为你自己的服装店写一则广告
Come and buy your clothes at our great sale !We sell all our clothes at very prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only fifteen dollars!Yellow sweaters are only twelve dollars!Do you need trousers?For boys,we have black trousers for only twenty-two dollars.And shorts are only sixteen dollars!For girls,we have skirts in purple for only twenty dollars.How much are our jackets?Only thirty dollars!And we have black shoes for only twenty-eight dollars.Socks are only two dollars for three pairs!Opportunity not to lose!
Sale at Ben's Clothes store
Come and buy your clothes atBen's Clothes store 后来修改见英语书P41页
Come and buy your clothes at our great sale !We sell all our clothes at very prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only fifteen dollars!Yellow sweaters are only twelve dollars!Do you need trousers?For boys,we have black trousers for only twenty-two dollars.And shorts are only sixteen dollars!For girls,we have skirts in purple for only twenty dollars.How much are our jackets?Only thirty dollars!And we have black shoes for only twenty-eight dollars.Socks are only two dollars for t hree pairs!Opportunity not to lose!
Sale at......
Cone and buy your clothes at …! Do you like …?We have ........
Come to our store now !