服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 给ben的服装店写一则广告英语作文


给ben的服装店写一则广告英语作文 我来答
Title: Advertising.
My friend Ben's shop is opening. You can get all type of clothes and dresses with all sizes and different colors for different people at different ages in his shop. They are inexpensive but in good quality. You can return the goods within a week if you are not satisfactory or you can change the goods within a month as long as you keep the goods in original condition. Please come and enjoy your shopping.
My friend Ben's shop is opening. You can get all type of clothes and dresses with all sizes and different colors for different people at different ages in his shop. They are inexpensive but in good quality. You can return the goods within a week if you are not satisfactory o...
假如你是Ben的朋友,请你给Ben刚刚开张的服装店写一则广告。要求:内容包括服装、颜色、价格、优惠 活动50
Come to Ben's Clothes Store now!
初二超短英语作文 6篇 急!!!
( ) 1. One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to the supermarket in the new shopping mall.( )2. The things in the supermarket are cheaper than those at the corner store ( ) 3. Mrs Wilson saved money by going to the supermarket there. ( ) 4. They came home by taxi because they ...