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服装专业英语 短文翻译

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服装专业英语 短文翻译
art of wearing graphics is a matter of understanding proportion and
scale.Generally speaking,for both checks and stripes,minimizes and
maximizes.With stripes,verticals lengthen and marrow,horizontals shorten
and widen.戴图形艺术是认识问题的比例和规模。一般来说,格子和条纹,最小化和最大化。条纹,垂直的延长和骨髓,横短而宽。
two rules help explain why a classic pin stripe suit flatters almost
every woman.The same holds true for small-scaled checks and plaids.Also
when a pattern is small or miniaturized,it tends to read more like a
texture than a graphic,giving it more flexibility,than say,a prominent
black and white check.这些规则有助于解释为什么一个经典的条纹套装使几乎每一个女人,也同样适用于小规模检查和格子。当一种图案是小型或微型化,它读起来像一个质地比图形,给它更大的灵活性,比说,黑白格子。