- 我们能穿上裙子一起跳舞
We can wear skirts and dance together.
We can wear skirts and dance together.
- We can wear skirts and dance together.
- 【英译】long sleeves help one to dance skilfully, it shows person with money and power could do things easily 【成语故事】范雎和蔡泽,是战国末期两个有名的人物:范雎《通鉴》作范雎,是魏国人,起初在魏国的中大夫须贾手下做事,因故被须贾打得半死,逃到秦国,化名张禄,向秦昭王献“远交...
- 英文名称:My Life in Pink 别名:Ma Vie En Rose,我美好的生活 发行时间:1997年 电影导演:Alain Berliner 电影演员:Michèle Laroque ...Hanna Fabre Jean-Philippe Écoffey ...Pierre Fabre Hélène Vincent ...Élisabeth Georges Du Fresne ...Ludovic Fabre Daniel Hanssens ......
英文歌曲《Scarborough fair》的歌词?
- 《Scarborough fair》Scarborough Fair(斯卡堡集市,也译作“斯卡波罗集市”),是一首旋律优美的经典英文歌曲,曾作为第40届奥斯卡提名影片《毕业生》(The Graduate)的插曲,曲调凄美婉转,给人以心灵深处的触动。歌词如下:Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡伯勒集市吗 Parsley, sage, rose...
- 那位穿红裙子的女孩 Got me so messed up 让我春心荡漾 Era se munio de manga meri 她是梅里的穆尼奥 Era se munio de manga meri 她是梅里的穆尼奥 Camera venda de lunio vara 带着照相机的杆子 Tu y yo un beso me dejo marcado 和我一起 让我用吻给你留下印记 Lendo calendo 当然...
- Today is November 1st,it's my best/good friend Han Meimei's birthday.We going to she's birthday party.Mei mei wear blue dress,it's very beautiful/pretty.We play games together、sing songs and dance.We have a wonderful time.