- Which is the best closeing shop in the town?
- Which is the best clothes store in town?
- which is the best clothes shop in Zhengjiang.
- Which clothes shop is the best one in the town?
- what is the best clothes storein the town
- the best clothes store in town
- Which clothes store is the best in the town?
- Which is the best clothes store in town?
人教版八年级上册英语课本第102页section b,1c,1d的翻译
- 听一个记者正在采访一个男孩。这个男孩是如何回答这些问题的?圈出下列正确的字母标号。 记者:你好,我正在为《绿色城市日报》做一项调查。镇上最好的服装店是什么? 男孩:我认为吉森服装店是最好的 记者:为什么? 男孩:“牛仔角落”和“青少年潮流”都是不错的商店,但吉森服装店有好质量的服装,并且它...
求人教版八年级上册英语unit12,Section A,2a 2b听力翻译
- 想休息
- 镇上最好的服装店是蓝天,服务最好,衣服也很漂亮,价格低,质量好,所以很多人选择这家店买衣服。此外,太阳公园和月亮餐厅是镇上的好地方。总之,这些地方让我们放松和乐趣。案例二:全文:Welcome to Suzhou. Today I'm your tour guide. Suzhou is a beautiful place in Southeast China. It ...