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关于服装英语描述 我来答
There are specialized terms referring to all sorts of aspects of web design. For someone just getting started in web design, or someone looking to have a site designed, all the technical jargon can be overwhelming. Especially the acronyms.
Below is a guide to industry terms that should get you well on your way to understanding what web designers are talking about. In addition, we’ve provided some resources for each term to give you more in-depth information.
Basically, this is the ability of a website to be used by people with disabilities, including visually impaired visitors using screen readers, hearing impaired visitors using no sound, color blind people, or those with other disabilities. A website with low accessibility is basically going to be impossible for those with disabilities to use. Accessibility is particularly important for sites providing information to those with disabilities (healthcare sites, government sites, etc.), though it is an important aspect to consider when designing any site.


Resources on Accessible Web Design from the University of Washington.
Website Builder Advice: How to Make a Website Good for Everyone from Mardiros Internet Marketing.
An Introduction to Accessible Web Design from Sitepoint.
42.wedding gown(婚纱)43 maternity clothes(孕妇服装)
1. Jacket: This refers to a short top or a jacket. For example, "His new grey jacket was torn and muddied." (他新买的灰色夹克被撕破,还弄上了泥巴。)2. Trousers: This term is used for pants. For example, "He wore a leather jacket and dark trousers." (他身穿皮夹克...
Clothing: 泛指服装,常用于学术或正式场合。Habit: 指个人根据习惯或身份选择的服装。Ready-to-wear clothes: 成衣,现成的服装。Garments: 更广泛的服装总称,可指外套等。Town clothes: 市区服装,通常指较正式的外套。Double-breasted suit: 双排扣西装,男士正装。Suit: 男式西服,也可指整套服装。Dr...
Dress(连衣裙)- 一种女性穿着的单件服装,通常覆盖整个身体。连衣裙有各种不同的款式和长度。Jacket(夹克)- 一种轻便的外套,通常由布料制成。夹克有各种不同的款式,适合不同的季节和气候条件。Sweater(毛衣)- 一种长袖或短袖的上衣,通常由羊毛或合成纤维制成。毛衣可以提供保暖和舒适感。Coat(...
有关于服装的英语有:1、jacket短上衣,夹克 例句:His new grey jacket was torn and muddied. 他新买的灰色夹克被撕破,还弄上了泥巴。2、trousers裤子 例句:He wore a leather jacket and dark trousers.他身穿皮夹克和深色裤子。3、Sweater毛衣 例句:Wearing a sweater will keep us warm. ...