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衣服大甩卖英语作文题目怎么写 我来答
把原文抄下在+Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price. Do you like T-shirt and skirt? We sell these ciothes at a low price.And we sell bag only $ 4.Hat only $3.For child ,you can buy socks and shoes.For wonan and man,you can buy sweaters (顿号)T-shirt and pants.Anybody can afford our prices! Come on see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!(记得回报我噢 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……)
Mary's Clothes Store sale Come and buy your clothes at Mary's Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all colors are on sale for only $10 each.Do you like skirt?We have red skirt for only $8 each.We also ...
Big sale Purpose: just because our emporium has no place to store the new clothes, thus, we hold a “BIG SALE SHOW” for thanking the old customers.Time: June 15th , 2011 to July 15th , 2011.Location: xx emporium in Guangzhou.Clothes : the clothes is in low price and goo...
问个英语作文 你的朋友Jenny的服装店假期大甩卖,出售毛衣,运动鞋,袜子,帽子,包等
wish all of you have a nice holiday.
”顾客说:“你的传单上写的事清仓大甩卖,难道现在就不甩卖了。 ”买主被说的哑口无言、只好把这本书买给了她。 就这样到处都是减价的讨价的。 这次活动我充分体会到淘书的乐趣,也知道了做生意的辛苦。 关于《跳蚤市场》的作文 展开全部 “瞧一瞧,看一看,特价3元了!”“《水浒传》跳楼价3元了!”啊哈,听到...
400字作文 四年级水平 至少3成语 一比喻 一拟人 不限题目 至少5篇 自己写的 出高分 大机会!
我无言以对,我真恨我自己,我怎么能用这样的眼光来看待这样一位用辛苦劳动养活自己的老人呢?我忙把老人递过的钱又伸了过去,说:"没什么,全买了。"老人将剩下的麻团全给了我,说:"多两只,免费赠送。"我说什么也不肯收,可老人笑呵呵地说:"这就算是亏本大甩卖,买五赠一吧。"说完,头也不回地走了…… 望...