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时尚女装招聘营业员的要求句子 我来答
We are looking for a stylish
lady who has the ability to work independently & use her initiative,
high attention to detail and who has excellent problem solving skills.
By using these skills she will need to uphold the high standards in the
store and ensure compliance to standards and operating procedures.
  Duties and responsibilities:
· Maintain the store standards and adhere to company policies and procedures
· Manage the customer experience by locating and selecting merchandise
· Be proactive in your sales approach by up-selling to influence sales
· Create style options for the customer and sell a green approach and organic lifestyle
· Ensure that excellent customer service is demonstrated in the team at all times
· Provide customer with garment product knowledge relating to style, material, care instructions, price and guarantees
· Maintain store merchandising and assist in changing store displays
· Receive purchase payments and accurately handle cash, credit/debit card transactions
· Operate the point of sale terminal, cash register and card transaction machines
· Process sales and pack purchases appropriately
· Be vigilant at all times to minimize stock loss
· Represent the company in your personal presentation and dress
· Must have at least 1 years’ experience as a sales assistant
· Must be proficient in English
· Outstanding leadership skills
Should you not hear any feedback within 2 weeks of your application, please consider your application unsuccessful.
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