服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 分类服装 » 女装 » 英语翻译我姐姐是模特,各种款式的裙子穿在她身上都好看


英语翻译我姐姐是模特,各种款式的裙子穿在她身上都好看 我来答
My sister is a model, and various styles of dresses look good on her.
My sister is a model. She looks beautiful wearing all kinds of dresses.
My sister is a model so all styles of dresses looks pretty on her.
My old sister is model,every kind of skirts wear in her all nice.
my elder sister has a small face with black eyes, black (long) hair, some freckles, a cute nose and teen like some girls, normal sized mouth, pink cheeks.She’s shy and a bit old fashioned, but she can surprise others by the unexpected things she says and does at times...
” Gina always asks.%D%A翻译:%D%A我是凯特,我的姐姐是吉娜。我是整洁的,但不是吉娜。在我们的房间里,我的书和录音带在书柜。我的钥匙在我的书包里。我有一个钟。它在桌子上。在她的床上到处都是吉娜的书,在沙发和椅子下。白色的飞机模型是她的。它在桌子下面。吉娜总是问:“我的钥匙...
1.小学五年级介绍姐姐的英语作文 篇一 My sister is seven years older than I. she is pretty with big eyes and black long hair. she is a university student. When she gets back from her university at the weekends, I often chat with her for a long time. I regard her as my ...
她有长长的头发,乌黑光亮,密密麻麻,一张大大的嘴巴,明亮的眼睛,她就是我的姐姐。She has long hair, black light, dense, a big mouth, bright eyes, she is my sister.姐姐是个天真善良的女孩。我家的小猫小狗生病了她很难过,可小猫抓住了小鸟她又为小鸟难过。她为贫穷孩子不能上学而哭泣...
我的姐姐My Sister英语作文
姐姐从五岁开始学习钢琴,她很喜欢钢琴,可以练习一整天。她曾说过,弹钢琴的时候她感觉很快乐。到目前为止,她已经在很多地方表演过了,是一位小有名气的钢琴演奏者。我为我的姐姐感到自豪。英语作文2:My Sister I have a pretty sister.She is twenty years old.Her name is ZengJie.She likes ...