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用英语介绍男装 我来答
西装 Western-style clothes/tailored suit/suit
男装 men's wear; men's suit
男童装 boy's clothes
西装上衣 upper garment; jacket/top coat/blouse/blouson
中西式上衣Chinese and western style blouse

中山装上衣 Zhongshan coat/Chinese style jacket/Sun-Yat-Sen style jacket
男式短上衣 mannish jacket
男便装上衣 sack coat
男紧身上衣 doublet
短西装上衣 minisuit
轻便型上衣/运动上衣 sports coat
运动短上衣 stadium jumper
双排扣短上衣 spencer croise (法)
V领套头上衣 pull en V (法)
风帽上衣 hood jacket; anorak
套头宽上衣 pull blouson
紧身短上衣 tunic/coatee
超短上衣 minicoat
春秋衫 spring and autumn coat
罩衫 smock/blouse
茄克衫 jacket/blouson

衬衫 shirt/blouse
男衬衫 shirt/chemise(法)
男用外衬衫 liquette(法)
美式男用衬衫 chemise American (法)
礼服衬衫 dress shirt
休闲衬衫 leisure shirt
牛仔衬衫 cowboy shirt
套头衬衫 pullover shirt

背心/马甲 vest/waistcoat
礼服背心 dress/evening vest
西服背心 waistcoat/vest/weskit
户外背心 outer vest
运动背心 sport/gym vest
牛仔背心 cowboy vest
单襟背心 single-breasted vest
两扣背心 two-button waistcoat
紧身背心 doublet/weskit
长裤 trousers/pants/slacks/pegs/pantalon(法)bags(英口语)

西装长裤 trousers
英式长裤 British trousers
高尔夫长裤 golf jupon
礼服裤 dress slacks//court breeches
礼服条纹裤 striped trousers
直筒裤 straight trousers; stem-pipe pants; cigarette pants; straight-leg slacks
牛仔裤 jeans
西装短裤 shorts
沙滩短裤 beach shorts
运动短裤 trunks; sports shorts; gym shorts
拳击短裤 boxer shorts/trunks
冲浪短裤 jams; surfer’s shorts
散步短裤 walking shorts
宽松短裤 baggys

男套装 men’s suit;tailleur masculin(法)
男式长服 lounge/business suit
西装式套装 tailored suit
正统男西装 classic suit
普通西装 lounge/sack suit
古典西装 classic model suit
意大利欧式西装 Italian continental suit
英式西装 British-style suit
日常套装 afternoon suit
简便套装 easy/casual/leisure suit; leisure suit;
运动套装 sweat/jogging suit; gym outfit

登山服 mountaineering suit
滑雪服 ski suit
户外活动套装 blazer suit
男海滩装 cabana set
燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat; swallowtail; evening dress
很好! 我怎么就没想到!谢谢拉
What do you think of this item?4. 夹克?Jacket?Jacket?5. 风衣?Dust coat?Trench coat?6. 棉服?Cotton dress中衣(半大)Coat(Middle size)?Down jacket? Coat (medium size)?7. 休闲裤?Walking trousers?Casual pants?8. 西服套装?Suit?Suit set?9. 西服上装?Jacket?Suit jacket?10....
How about this one?夹克?Jacket?风衣? Dust coat?棉服? Cotton dress中衣(半大)Coat(Middle size)?休闲裤?walking trousers?西服套装?suit?西服上装?Jacket?西裤?trousers?休闲西装上衣?living style jacket?这件是纯羊毛的,羊毛和涤纶混纺的,羊毛和桑蚕丝混纺的,纯棉的.It is made of ...
服装英语词汇-男装名词集锦 西装 Western-style clothes/tailored suit/suit 男装 men's wear; men's suit 男童装 boy's clothes 西装上衣 upper garment; jacket/top coat/blouse/blouson 中西式上衣Chinese and western style blouse 中山装上衣 Zhongshan coat/Chinese style jacket/Sun-Yat-Sen style...
服装的名称 英语
clothes 衣服,服装 wardrobe 服装 clothing 服装 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 tro...
Ideal Relaxed Attire这3个英语单词非常好的展现出IRA 理想化的,释放压力的品牌文化。Ideal---理想化。IRA的服饰为有梦想,有追求完美,对穿衣服有与众不同看法,品味时尚潮流的现代都市族量身定做打造出,授予服饰全新升级的核心理念。Relaxed---释放压力;舒服。IRA的服饰选用天然布料,质量独特,时尚...