- Address: Semir Building,Liuhongqiao Road, Wenzhou, Zhejiang(Crossroad of Xinqiao Stop) Zip Code: 325005 Tele: 0577-88089999/88098300/1/2 Fax: 0577-88098510 E-mail: shenok5555@163.com Web: http://www.semir.com Introduction: SEMIR Group is founded on December 18,1996. It is a mutual chain enterprise with the main line of virtual production and sales of casual wear. As our tenet is to create the famous brand of all over the world, SEMIR Group carries out brand strategy high-stand and high-pointed combining to special regional environment and advantage of Wenzhou and has gained great success, especially made enormous contribution to construct famous apparel city of China. With the operating route of creating a name brand to develop faster after building a brand to enter the market, SEMIR pays more attention to upgrading the product quality and company image, stressing on casual cultural connotation and is beloved by most consumer. SEMIR casual wear leads the fashion trends and shows young people's energy which consists of 19 series, thousands of pattern, including T-shirt, sweater, jacket, jeans, washer trousers, skirt, undress, sports wear and so on. What's more, SEMIR Group increases the importance of brand operating, create a new kids brand "balabala" and bring forward a brand new operating concept: SEMIR is accompanied with you in your whole life. Therefore, SEMIR increases its core rivalrousness. Our chain network points covering the whole China added up to 600 and has formed a rather complete market network structure.
森马是哪个国家的牌子?拜托了各位 谢谢
- 森马是中国牌子。 森马集团有限公司创立于1996年12月18日中国温州,是一家以虚拟生产、连锁经营休闲服饰为主导产业的多元化集团公司。希望采纳
- 森马的代言人 1. 罗志祥 2.SJ-M 3.twins 4.谢霆锋
以纯的衣服买的有森马的贵吗?拜托各位了 3Q
- 以纯的衣服都比森马贵,或许是材料成本的差异,以纯在市面上的买价比起同成品的都相对较高,但是在它的原产地却很低,相比之下森马的价格比较适中,适合普遍年轻人购买,本人也很喜欢森马的服饰
- 第三天他穿混混装,校长说:不能穿混混装!他说:穿什么就是什么,森马服饰。第四天他穿背心上学,校长说;不能穿背心上学。他说:男人,简单就好,爱登堡服饰。校长说:太过份了,我要记你大过。他说:为什么?校长说:动感地带,我的地盘我做主!说:李宁,一切皆有可能。校长再问:翻墙是什么感觉?...
中国国产的服饰品牌有那些?拜托了各位 谢谢
- 7 红豆西服 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品) 8 庄吉 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌) 9 法派西服 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌) 0 培罗蒙 (中国驰名商标) 休闲服: 1 森马休闲服 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌) 2 唐狮休闲服 (中国驰名商标) 3 李宁运动服 (知名畅销品牌) 4 耐克运动服 (世界畅销品牌)...