- 布吉岛
- 1. Karen Millen In 2011, Karen Millen celebrated three decades of its brand heritage. For Spring Summer 2012, the label has adopted a new, modern attitude. The collection showcases the brand's mastery of prints and colors, offering a polished vision of modern femininity and capturi...
- 下面是几个英国品牌的介绍:1、Karen Millen Having celebrated 30 years of the brands heritage during 2011, Spring Summer 2012 sees Karen Millen embrace a fresh modern attitude.Showcasing the brand’s incredible expertise with print and colour the collection offers a polished vision of mod...
- yellow button yellow waist, wearing a black cap cylinder. Guardian of the tower of London black hat, black, embroidered with red crown and red edges. Konoe's cavalry is black,
- Dressing Etiquette Many people arround the world esteem the dressing style of Englishmen highly. Though Englishmen pay much attention to their clothing,they are thrifty yet. Generaly speaking, a set of clothes must be used more than 8 years.There are 2 sets of deep colors and sever...
- 英国大型舞会一般在晚间10时左右开始。主人邀请客人应事先寄送请柬,邀请的客人男女数目要大致相当。被邀请的人一定要看清请柬上是否设有晚饭。参加舞会的客人服装要整齐,跳舞是男宾要轮流请女宾,其中有一次必须与女主人跳舞。参加舞会的人可随来随走,走时不跟主人打招呼不算失礼. 【澳大利亚】: 尊敬澳洲人很自豪的...