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英语作文:关于服装店广告的 我来答


This dress shop sells pants, T-shirts, hats, socks and skirts. We have red and blue p ants. The price of red pants is twenty doll ars and the price of blue pants is thirty d ollars. Our T-shirts have five different col ors. They are red, orange, green, blue an d yellow. Each T-shirt cost ten dollars. W e also sell hats and every hat is sold at fif teen dollars. A pair of socks in this shop i s five dollars. We also have pretty skirts. Each skirt cost ten dollars.

为服装店写广告英语作文如下:1: Come to Guangming Clothes Store! 快来光明服装店! Our clothes are on sale. 我们的衣服正在大减价。 We sell pants for only 30 yuan. 我们卖的裤子只要30元。Do you like white bag? 你喜欢白色的包吗? It's only 15 yuan.只要15元。 We have beautiful...
初一上册英语作文 服装店开张广告
为服装店写广告英语作文如下:1: Come to Guangming Clothes Store! 快来光明服装店! Our clothes are on sale. 我们的衣服正在大减价。 We sell pants for only 30 yuan. 我们卖的裤子只要30元。Do you like white bag? 你喜欢白色的包吗? It's only 15 yuan.只要15元。 We have beautiful...
促销衣服广告的英语作文Welcome to Time Clothes Store. Our clothes are on sale. Do you like shorts? We have black and blue shorts for only $ 15. Please look at the T-shirts in red, yellow and green. They are very cheap. They each are only$ 12. For girls, we have pink...
We have beautiful black hats. You like red, green, blue and orange sweaters. You can buy them for only yuan. Come to Guangming clothing store and have a look. 中文翻译: 来光明服装店吧我们的衣服在打折,我们卖裤子只卖元刀你喜欢白色的包吗只卖元我们有漂亮的黑帽子每只只卖元你...
1,欢迎光临我的(美丽服装店) 店内出售各种各样的衣服,T恤衫60元,帽子35元,鞋子80元,裙子50元,还有各种服装,欢迎你挑选。2,快来玛丽的衣服店买衣服,我们有很多好东西,价格非常实惠。你需要T恤吗?我们有各种颜色的T恤,每件售价仅为10美元。你喜欢裙子吗?我们有红色的裙子,每条只有8美元...