- Yesterday,faced for a long time but not the micheal brother.He has to be in China for almost five years,and now looks to have the time and not the same,but they can not say to change what has happened in the end.I put my doubts to tell him,and he gave me the answer I am surprised.He said:"I learn from China in the men's dressing method." So I am even more puzzled,because in China,Chuande like a foreigner is very popular.But michael brother told me that he thought the Chinese men's clothing display by the local community mental outlook of the capacity is not bad,wearing Bo Laipin more than flavor.And although the Chinese people now wear are not Qipao Dagua Instead suit,but China's own production of clothing no doubt more in line with China's reality,the Chinese people more like citizens of the world rather than counterfeiting Westerners.He said now very like to wear Chinese-made clothes,and return to Europe after friends said he seemed more in China,so he asked not good » His friends said,no,this is very nice.He finished listening to these,I found that his T-shirt with a clear seven wolf signs.Before think that the foreigners coming to China are in fact look down upon the Chinese people,even if not expressed on the surface,but after listening to michael brother remarks today,ah,some foreigners still quite lovely.
- 但是在英国,还有美国,在办公室的男人经常穿西装、打领带,女人都是穿连衣裙或者短裙。医生,律师,商人总是穿得很正式。在一些饭店和宾馆,男人必须打领带。很多时候美国人比英国人更不正式,但是他们穿得比英国人更细心。在家或者假期时候,大多数美国人穿休闲服或者运动服。但是当他们晚上出门的时候,...
- 男人穿裙子在世界不多见,苏格兰男人就是其中一例。头戴小黑呢帽,身着花格裙及短袜,手上拿着管风笛,这是苏格兰男人引以为傲的打扮。苏格兰人爱穿花格裙,是因为不同图案的花格布代表着不同的氏族,每一个氏族都为自己设计一种代表氏族精神及血缘关系的花格布裙。当氏族人穿上自己氏族的花格布,,也同时穿出了他们...
- 其实“无性别风格”并非近代的产物,“Unisex Clothing” 这个描述男女皆宜服饰的词汇早在 1968 年就被美国的《Life》杂志所使用传播,因为那会儿百货公司里出现了男女皆可穿的牛仔裤和衬衫系列。无性别风格(Unisex/Agender),又可以看作是模糊性别的时尚,“无性别”服装具有男女皆可穿的特点。无性别风...
- 在国外跟在国内是有很大的区别的,国内的穿衣风格还是比较趋于保守型的,而国外则与之相反,国外一向比较开放,穿衣风格也会随之比较开放,穿衣比较大胆,如果是留学生的话,一般会穿校园文化衫,或者是休闲装,一般就是比较休闲的类型的衣服,都比较舒适。Eugene Tong穿衣非常的注重层次,懂得如何规避亚洲人...
- 美国的风俗习惯,第一次和男性和女性见面时,仅仅是握手,亲吻是好朋友之间的身体语言。亲吻的方式是:同性之间,脸接触对方的脸,然后空中亲吻;异性之间,可以亲吻对方的脸颊。父母亲吻孩子,吻孩子的额头和小脸蛋。微笑、眼光的接触,这在和美国人打交道时很重要。微笑的眼光和问好的语言在公共场所意思是一样的。如果对面...